The power of realizing the right to education
Education is more than just a stepping stone; for some, it’s a lifeline.

Thanks to the generous contributions of 15 individual donors, The Leo Project recently hosted a week-long training workshop for a group of Traditional Birth Companions (TBCs)

The Leo Project relies on the generosity of individuals, specifically during the “giving season,” to expand our work and make health and education more accessible to tens of thousands of people living in the Laikipia North region of Kenya.

Cancer is emerging as one of Kenya's most pressing public health challenges, with over 42,000 new cases and 27,000 deaths annually, and fewer than 50 oncologists for over 55 million people. Through community engagement, education, and expanded access to care, The Leo Project is committed to addressing this pressing issue.
Productivity Meets Community at TLP’s Co:Work Space
In the heart of Nanyuki, The Leo Project’s networking space, “Co:Work”, has emerged as a vibrant hub for young professionals, remote workers, and creatives. It’s more than a place to work; it’s a dynamic community where individuals come together to share ideas, build friendships, and create meaningful connections.

Breaking the Silence: Talking About Sexual and Reproductive Health
At The Leo Project, we aim to create environments where people can freely discuss their bodies, choices, and futures. Yvonne Wachera Mwangi’s unwavering commitment to fostering environments where adolescents and young adults can engage in open discussions about SRH shines through in her daily work.

doctor of stories
At The Leo Project’s Caitlin O’Hara Community Health Clinic, a shift is happening - mental health isn't just an afterthought but a central component of patient care.

scene + heard: nanyuki to the world
TLP’s Scene + Heard project engaged youth in Nanyuki, Kenya to create films on topics that reflect their interests and that told Kenyan stories through Kenyan voices. The result is six short films that express the perspectives and artistry of youth in communities that are underrepresented in the global content-sphere.

the beginning.
My name is Jess Danforth and I am the Founder and Executive Director of The Leo Project. I will start at the very beginning.

Meet Kelvin: The Leo Project’s Director of IT.
At The Leo Project, Kelvin handles all of the IT activities.